Structures & Products

Structures based in International finance centers may be used by any corporation or private individual who is involved in international business or prosperity, or who is prepared to transfer ownership of assets overseas in order to protect wealth. It is essential that anyone contemplating the use of an international structure obtain professional advice both domestically and overseas before establishing such a structure.

Global Financial Trust Management Group works closely with Private Beneficiaries and Members ' lawyers or tax consultants to determine the international structure most appropriate to the Private Beneficiaries and Members ' requirements. Our extensive experience in international financial matters and our creative but practical approach enables Global Financial Trust Management Group to assist professional advisors in maximizing the profit Potential of their Private Beneficiaries and Members. This added value concept also ensures that Private Beneficiaries and Members enjoy optimum flexibility in their wealth protection and income accumulation structures.

The international fiduciary product range is no longer limited to offshore trusts and companies. Over the past thirty years, a number of factors have influenced the way that corporations and Private Beneficiaries and Members utilize international business structures. Onshore taxation and corporate legislation have become more complex and inflexible; business and prosperity have become more international, and social changes have increased the risks of wealth depletion. Consequently, the client needs in the international arena are subject to continual change. Global Financial Trust Management Group KB Trust constantly monitors these developments so as to offer its Private Beneficiaries and Members state-of-the-art international products. International business and prosperity structures offered by the Global Financial Trust Management Group.

Group includes:
  • International corporations

    International companies, IBC's, limited liability companies, limited life companies, holding or domiciliary companies, hybrid companies, creditor controlled companies, default succession companies, companies limited by guarantee, non-resident companies, dual residency companies, exempt companies, mutual fund companies, and ordinary companies. 

    International or foreign trusts
  • International trusts, foreign trusts, purpose trusts, life insurance trusts, private unit trusts, employee share ownership trusts, asset protection trusts, charitable, trusts, medical benefits trusts, and trading trusts. 

  • General partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships. 

    Pension funds

    Individual or corporate superannuation funds, retirement funds, global pension or provident funds, and employee benefit funds. 

    International life assurance

    Prosperity linked life assurance bonds, variable benefit insurance policies, single premium policies and annuity contracts.


    General partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships.